My heart hurts
As I watch you fall to the ground
Once so mighty and strong
I can hear
Your cries of agony
Years of growth
And blessing
And fruit
The loud breaking,
The cracking,
The final thud
Forced by man,
knocked and beaten
With human tools
of torture
Because we thought we knew better
As you crash,
It's like the sound of a car hitting the pavement
With pieces of glass and debris
creating a mound of memory
of pain and trauma
of hurt bodies
But you, you leave little twigs,
Bright fruit that might have been good,
For little children that could jump as high as each shoot
Stems of flowers, that must have been food
For little birds that once perched in your branches.
You leave seed pods, to create new life
In spite of your fall,
A symbol of resurrection,
A mark of revival,
A reminder of restoration,
It teaches me to hope
When all is lost.
Love this!